Published on May 26, 2005
I have recently changed my job and many things change when you change your here I am with a new organization, a new city and a new PG accommodation.
The new organization looked like a good change earlier ... but I have already started doubting things here ...HR personals are the first one you get in touch with and how they can change your opinion about the organization, we all know....
So the first thing was a poor HR process and rude HR personals,so half the craze gone ....
And a place like this where everything is available but seems public convince and no markets near your place.
Moreover, accommodation available is as expensive as you think¡K may be I am lucky here .... got an expensive but good PG accommodation after one month's fight.
Since I am new to the organization, only hope left is a good project......... I know technologies used are good but I doubt the architecture.
Hoping for the best ..... in this new place
Bye for now..........